donderdag 27 februari 2014

To speak or not to speak? [SPEECH] - Remember : Silence is Golden!

Speech is important, its use or its non-use. To talk consciousnessly with compassionate and empowering words has way more impact on the global unity consciousness than hate-speech or tyrannical words, for instance. That's why the mystery religions throughout the ages thaught the neophytes to use SPEECH wisely, and to remember that silence is golden; sometimes, this since the time of the initiation of Pythagoras and many others, hundreds and thousands of years ago. These lessons of ancient wisdom are still the same today in the modern world, that's why it's called ageless wisdom, not? A difficult lesson to learn for all adepts. The time to speak out is now; that's for sure; but the time for introspection, rest, meditation, re-evalution must also be there. The voice of silence is very important, but when humanity must be protected and informed, it becomes our duty to talk wisely and show things that are normally unseen for the common eye. New revolutionary truths are always welcomed as insanity, laughed at, often face ridicule, and later on violent opposition from the forces that don't want us to evolve or that fear change, until the new truths become a new evident fact of our consciousness and reality - remember the Snowden revelations - 1) This can't be true 2) Snowden must be killed 3) Snowden is a hero [for the majority]. This is something we see in philosophy, in science and in religion. Those who had to struggle for survival, who often worked secretly behind the scenes are called to prepare for the externalisation of the work that needs to be done, by the written word, by works of art, by the development of new philosophies, sciences and so on. The time of preparation until 2012 is done. Many of us suffered enormously in society by fighting for the Great Work to accomplish, but hope is on the horizon. Their is a call for freedom and truth on the planet that is vividly a living reality amongst the cultural creatives, the 25% of the population that are pioneering us into a new lifestyle, based on integrity. The job is not done, but we must not stay silent as before. Maybe we suffered badly as being mistaken for weird, mad people in the beginning. In the mainstream media, our worldview get little attention. We think that we are alone, but we stand for millions and millions of people in America and Europe alone, according to Paul Ray's research on the subject. Our foundations are here and the preparations of the work can succeed. Humanity has the tools now to connect and fight back against the forces that are of evil intent. The next phase will be a further combat against controlling intentions, and a liberating struggle for humanity to become what they really are. We must liberate the world from poverty, from the horror of being forced to work in order to survive and eat. The more sentient beings that can be transfigured from striving needs into being needs, the better. From being arises rest , contemplation and it's a new source of energy, with new solutions to the problems together with our fellow men. Striving is still based on lacking something, while being is a state of full abundance, joy and power The secrecy within our former lives [often needed for our own protection and survival] will soon be part of the past. It's time to take the lead and envision the world towards the path of beauty, goodness and truth. We are halfway. Keep walking, the race is long, the next rest is in the year 2025, the year when the transformation of society should be done. [The Muse song is some nostalgia of the past - outdated please - raise your voices, no more reason to hide - speak out, but wisely and consciouss, with love and respect].
A NEW ARHAN IS BORN. . . .Peace to all beings

[Quote from The Voice of the Silence by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky]

- THE SECRET OF ALL SECRETS now in plain sight, no longer hidden, after the struggle of walking the Path for years secretly, attacked and misunderstood] *

Watch here Muse - Ruled by Secrecy

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