dinsdag 4 februari 2014

Stimulating the paradigm shift in health care in my own country with a book to be written.

After years of consciousness studies, I intent to write my own story in a book on periods of overwhelming dispear, madness, kundalini, initiation, rites of passage, workshops in shamanism, and healing for the medical community and for the patients to come. I will start from the shamanic point of view, combined with elements from consciousness research (Wilber & Grof), spiral dynamics, the works of Sean Blackwell and the wisdom offered by ancient wisdom in order to "force" the paradigm shift in my own country, where Big Pharma is still all-powerful and pretends to be all-knowing. Maybe we can get to the viewpoint that all crisis is transformational and leads to greater healing and wholeness, if the crisis is properly guided and understood and not suppressed. Transpersonal psychology is already doing a great effort in this process of forcing the medical establishment towards a paradigm shift which values the natural healing out of crisis without our dependency on pharmaceuticals which has become an epidemic in this country.

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