zondag 16 februari 2014


(Updated for Standard Time - please forward) 
Research has shown that prayer and synchronized meditation can be powerful when we apply it. The latest Synchronized Peace Prayer schedule is included below. The Middle East is once again going through a precarious and dangerous time, with the Geneva Peace Conference on Syria very close to being disrupted. This conflict could easily escalate into a wider war. Let us send love to all parties and pray that they, and we, forgive those who have hurt us and who, in our minds have wronged us. This region has gone through enormous suffering as a result of recent wars. Let us ask that all parties forgive one another and a healing process begin.
Four-star General Wesley Clark, in an extraordinary televised interview (www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSL3JqorkdU) recounted what he learned at the Pentagon in the weeks following the 9-11 attack. He was shown a plan which would involve the U.S. in a long term military strategy for "regime change" in several key Middle Eastern countries in response to 9-11. It would start with Iraq and Afghanistan and end with Iran. He described the philosophy: “we have a strong military and can take over countries… When you have a hammer every problem is a nail.”
In the last ten years, many of the countries listed by Clark have indeed undergone disruptive “regime change.” There have been wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a revolution in Libya, and the conflicts in those countries are not over. There have been strenuous efforts by certain political groups to initiate a war with Syria or Iran, and we came very close several times over the last few years. Only the actions of Putin of Russia, who negotiated with the Syrians to give up their chemical weapons, averted a threatened military action last time.
Yet the stakes are very high. In a New York Times Op Ed piece, Putin wrote: “The potential strike by the United States against Syria, despite strong opposition from many countries and major political and religious leaders, including the pope, will result in more innocent victims and escalation, potentially spreading the conflict far beyond Syria’s borders. A strike would increase violence and unleash a new wave of terrorism.” (Ref. 5)
This potential for a spread of terrorism and violence should not be underestimated. There is enormous suffering in this region. Millions of people have been killed or injured or left homeless or fled as refugees. A peaceful, negotiated solution is the best chance for peace. Now peace talks have started, and yet  Secretary of State Kerry began by telling the delegates that our “non-negotiable demand” was that the leader of Syria, Assad, had to resign. This had the result of angering the Syrian delegation, which is now threatening to walk out.
Let us pray that our leaders understand the importance of these events, and the risk that this conflict can spread. A peaceful and fair resolution is needed. Military action has not brought peace to any of the countries involved. It has only increased the suffering and anger of those involved. It has only created more future “terrorists.” The danger of global escalation of these conflicts should not be underestimated. Let us pray for compassion and forgiveness and generosity and wisdom for everyone involved, to forgive our adversaries and seek a peaceful, healing solution to the conflict.
These conflicts serve to highlight the need for peace prayers. To make prayer the most powerful, we ask that everyone around the world pray simultaneously, at the same time. This will increase the power of the prayer, possibly by a factor of several hundred because more people are praying simultaneously. Prayer in each time zone is adjusted so that prayers are simultaneous all around the world. Prayers should be done EVERY DAY.
There is also a best time of day to receive prayer, a time when our receptivity is greatest (see below).  This depends on where we are in the world. Prayer times are set to correspond to the hour when receptivity is greatest in the Middle East. Our prayers of peace, love and forgiveness, while directed to everyone around the world, may in this way have greatest effectiveness in calming and bringing peace to the Middle East, which is near a flash point, with tensions involving Syria, Iran and Israel. Let us pray that peace, love and forgiveness penetrate the hearts of all people.
The chart below, Table 1, shows the best time to pray to accomplish this. It is slightly different (about four minutes earlier) every day. It depends on what time zone you are in and the time of year. The time zones and locations are listed in the left-hand column. Find the row which describes your time zone. Then move across to the right to find the column for the correct date.  The dates are shown for every five days, but you should pray every day. On days not shown in the chart, choose a time for the closest day shown.  For example, if you live in Colorado, you look down the left hand column until you find Colorado or MST for Mountain Standard Time. This describes your time zone. If it is February 4, you then look across the top row of the chart to find the date, Feb 4. Going down that column to the row corresponding to Colorado or MST you find the prayer time given is 7:15 PM. This is the center of the prayer period.
For a 20 minute prayer, this means beginning the prayer 10 minutes earlier than this. Since the center is 7:15 PM, you would start the prayer ten minutes earlier, at 7:05 PM. PRAYERS SHOULD BE DONE EVERY DAY.  Each day the best prayer time is about four minutes earlier. The chart shows the best prayer times every five days, to help keep track of the schedule.   However you should pray every day. If the day is not shown on the chart, choose a prayer time in between the times shown. If the times are inconvenient, then pray when you can but include the intention that the prayer is to be joined with others praying in the same time window.
We propose that the prayer be for world peace, forgiveness of others, healing of Mother Earth, and the awakening of love for our fellow man. This follows the lessons of the great Teachers of all religions.

Thanks to Duchess Stefania de Matteo.

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