zondag 19 januari 2014

Freedom From Fear

Dorothy R. Tilson
"Those who observe world events may perceive something higher than human logic."
Supermundane, Book One, p. 43
We might say that those who are in alignment with the higher spiritual realms eliminate fear to a great extent because they have a broadened consciousness and see the picture whole—the whole Plan within a wider cycle. They see no dangers, only obstacles. Fear creeps in for those who see only a piece of the picture-and this piece seems to threaten their security. Ravi Ravindra in his book, Science and the Sacred, states that he "is convinced that our global dilemma stems largely from a divorce of the intellect from the higher and deeper feelings, a divorce that causes self-alienation and its accompanying anxiety. In this sense of isolation of oneself from all else…fear and self importance enter." To correct this state of affairs those who see must "direct thought along the lines of cooperation and nationwide creativeness." (Supermundane, Book One, p. 90.)
Let us examine "Freedom from Fear" from four different aspects: the personal, national, international and global.
The personal aspect includes the individual at various stages of spiritual development. The Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (DK) states, "The masses of the people are today Atlantean [emotional] in their consciousness and are only slowly emerging into the Aryan2 [mental] point of view. This must change and the mind activity be rapidly enhanced or else true spiritualism will be unable to express itself. Spiritualism, in its lowest and material aspect, is a low grade expression of the seventh ray and is—for the masses—definitely a line of least resistance." This line of negative activity prevents the "positive intelligent understanding of the world on the other side of the veil where there is no fear." "The secret of fear is hidden in the etheric body, and the particular substance out of which it is built." "Fear is illusory." "One who is bound by fear does not create a suitable atmosphere for action." DK asks us to "Project the energy of love out into the world of men to aid in the destruction of fear."
We now turn to the national aspect. Here we are confronted by the fears that governments use in keeping the masses of people in subjectivity. Although today there are many countries that are democracies, which govern by using a lesser amount of fear, there are many dictatorships that rule through the use of fear. For example, the August 2001 U.S. News and World Reportpublished an article by Masha Gessen entitled "A Tyrant the World Ignores." In Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko rules by decree, whim, tantrum, and—maybe—murder. Mr. Gessen states, this is a place not so much frozen in time as frozen in fear. Belarus is Europe's forgotten dictatorship, whose post-Communist leader opposes, intimidates, and, by some accounts, is even responsible for the murder of his own people to retain his grip on a nation of 10,000,000. We have also heard of ethnic cleansing in other countries. In these instances there is not only fear within the masses but the dictators themselves are governed by fear.
Let us look at the international scene. Here we find nations conducting business governed by various fears of each other, subject to the "Forces of Darkness" working to preserve that which is ancient and material. bringing blindness to the people and steadily feeding the existing fires of hate, separateness, fear and cruelty. They hold back the forces of evolution and progress for their own ends.
Many on our planet avidly work to counter and transform these powerful Forces. For example, in the UN Wire of August 6, 2001 commemorating the 56th anniversary of the first use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said that the international community must get rid of weapons of mass destruction. In a ceremony attended by 50,000 people in Hiroshima's Park, Prime Minister Junichiro Kotzumi pledged that Japan, as the only country ever to have undergone a nuclear attack, will continue to work for complete world nuclear disarmament. Hiroshima Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba further called for the creation of nuclear-free zones in Asia and the conclusion of a global treaty banning nuclear weapons.
From the global aspect we can look to the United Nations-the focal point for helping humanity attain some security and freedom from various fears. The UN undertakes many projects and missions to dissipate and counter fear. For example, in the Spring of 2001, the UN's Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations met to discuss the Brahimi Report—commissioned to improve peacekeeping operations. According to Mr. Duval, one of the participants at the meeting, fears were expressed regarding "suffocation from the North." That is, it was feared that peacekeeping would be used by some Nation States of the North as an excuse to intervene in the internal affairs of Member States. Another expressed fear was that peacekeeping operations would be addressed at the expense of development issues. Mr. Duval stated, "personally, I think it is a fear that is not based on logic. You cannot rationalize fear, but that is where the fault-line was." At the request of this Committee, the Secretary-General has provided a comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all its aspects, now available within the UN web site.
When, in alignment with Hierarchy and Shamballa, the personal, national, international and global aspects are integrated and working cooperatively, then may we look to a degree of freedom from fear. 

1 Presented at the October 1, 2001 monthly meditation meeting in New York City: "The Spiritual Work of the United Nations and the Liberation of Humanity".
2 The Ageless Wisdom has long used this term to refer to a state of consciousness accessible to all who use the mind to creatively think.

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