vrijdag 19 juli 2013

Mail by the Kundalini Research Foundation

Dear Kristof, Does it really matter whether its psychosis or Kundalini? The psychiatrists do not recognize the existence of Kundalini. As for psychosis, they don't know what to do about it, either, except prescribe medication of in actuality merely deadens the brain. You say, "It was liyeath through my body." That does not happen to one who is dealing with psychosis. You might as well stick with Kundalini, which is the majority of cases is the underlying cause of psychosis. Now, what to do? If you are still meditating, then you must cease, stop, quit meditating. Swamis are very rarely knowledgeable about Kundalini, even though it is supposedly very well known throughout India. When the British exerted their rule over the Indian subcontinent more than two hundred and fifty years ago, they tried their best to stamp out the religion of Hinduism. So that included Kundalini and in all the intervening years, very little was learned about this "mysterious" force. Please do not meditate any more no matter what your "teacher" or your "guru" or your friends might advise. You must regulate your life, and that requires a great deal of self-discipline. Anything that requires you to concentrate your mind, such as studying a subject in school, or reading for more than a few minutes at a time, or even watching television, should be avoided Mental concentration is like turning a fan on a heap of glowing charcoal. It will flare up. Let the charcoal cool down and become extinguished. Take long walks in pleasant surroundings, such as the countryside, or a large park, with trees and ponds, etc. Do not practice any form of Yoga, such as deep breathing, chanting a mantra, etc. I do not believe you gave us your age, your occupation or any other detail about your life or about your parents. grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. Generally speaking, Kundalini can be found in one's family history or family tree, if one has awakened it. In other words, it is like talent, or genius. It generally shows up in one's ancestry. Regardless, you should regulate your life. This means retire at night (bedtime) at the same time every night. Get up in the morning ate the same time every morning. Have your meals at the same times every day. etc. In other words, you have to live a very regulated life. This allows your entire system to become regulated. You must have a very healthy diet, with strong emphasis on protein. Either eat meat, poultry, fish, lamb, etc. or, if you are a vegetarian, then eat nuts, dal, chick peas, beans and other sources of protein. This is essential in order to repair and strengthen damaged nerves, nerve cells, etc. We have been told nothing about your symptoms. Nothing. How can you expect a doctor to treat you if you cannot describe your illness or symptoms? You cannot just say, "Treat me, because I am ill." We need to know the details of your symptoms, and your age, and what may have triggered the "awakening." What is your I.Q.?? All best wishes, Gene Kieffer, President, the K.R.F., Ltd.

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