maandag 9 september 2024

Wisdom of today : Chanting the names of G-d removes the demon Kali (not the Goddess Kali). Gayatri mantra regular chanting is also recommended.

 Spiritual Significance:

  1. Kaliyuga is found in five places where adharma (immorality) exist viz. gambling, drinking of alcohol, prostitution or immoral relationship between man & woman, violence and gold acquired through immoral means.
  2. Gambling, drinking of alcohol, prostitution or immoral relationship between man & woman and violence signify untruthfulness, pride, passion and brutality respectively. All the four are adharma.
  3. Money earned from immoral means brings misery.
  4. Where sage is in Samadhi, do not disturb him.
  5. Parikshit was blessed as he got seven days before death. After Parikshit knew about his death, he earned vairagya (dispassion). But nobody knows about timings of his death.

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