dinsdag 1 maart 2022

The Portal : War and Peace.



Sources have confirmed that Russian military is not directly attacking civilians in this war, and there is a great deal of disinfo propagated through the Western media:



Sources have also stated that the goal of Russian military is NOT to topple Zelensky, and that the Russian military will retreat as soon as the strategic goals listed above will be reached, which is in about two weeks as per their estimate. If Jesuit-controlled Western allies do not manage to escalate the situation further, peace in the region could realistically happen in a few weeks.

There are peace talks scheduled for tomorrow:


Positive sources have drafted a peace proposal that could work, if people on both sides use common sense and are willing to reach a rational compromise. Diplomatic personnel reading this can forward this proposal to relevant parties:

Ukraine can be accepted into EU and Zelensky stays as a legitimately elected president, but Ukraine must stay out of NATO forever, remain militarily neutral (such as Switzerland) and all foreign military aid to Ukraine must cease, as per 1990 NATO guarantees of non-expansion to the East. Ukrainian government must ban and criminalize all Neonazi organizations on its territory and rights of Russian minority in Ukraine must be respected. Crimea must be internationally recognized as part of Russian territory, as per 2014 Crimean status referendum. Donetsk (territorially all Donetsk oblast) and Lugansk (territorially the whole Lugansk oblast) must be internationally recognized as sovereign independent countries, as per 2014 Donbas status referendum. As soon as above conditions are met, all Russian military must leave the rest of Ukrainian territory immediately. As soon as that happens, all international sanctions against Russia must be canceled and normal international relations resumed.

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