maandag 12 april 2021

Wisdom of today

Universal Logos 

Lord Melchizedek is the Universal Logos. The Universal Logos oversees the orderly ascension process of every single being in the Universe. Your spirit guides and guardian angels make frequent reports about you to Lord Melchizedek’s office. Lord Melchizedek does not work alone, but has countless Celestial Assistants that help Him in this monumental task. Thanks to the constant reports made by your spirit guides and guardian angels, Lord Melchizedek’s office always knows exactly how well you are doing in your personal ascension process—and based on that—They know what experiences and lessons They should send your way to best help you along the cosmic ascension process. Lord Melchizedek’s office decides what jobs you get; what people you meet; what coincidences occur in your life; as well as what challenges and rewards come your way. The entire processes of Lord Melchizedek’s office are far beyond your comprehension. Have no fear. Lord Melchizedek and His Celestial Assistants have been doing this since the beginning of Time and have never once made even the slightest mistake!

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