Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 25 juni 2020

The Lodge of G'd / Allah / Whatever you call us.

The Lodge of God, The Angels, The Ascended Masters,The Nature Spirits, & The Christed Extraterrestrials Enter The Halls of Amenti! GodBenevolent creator of the Omniverse and everything in it. Infinitely creative. Infinitely intelligent. Infinitely wise. Infinitely kind. Infinitely compassionate. Infinitely powerful. Infinitely just. Infinitely personal. Infinitely impersonal. Infinitely concrete. Infinitely abstract. Infinitely mysterious and paradoxical. A being completely beyond human comprehension. The supreme and eternal Head of The Great White Lodge. The most powerful being in the Omniverse! You may call upon God for help, guidance, protection, and training, and God will surely do all that God can to help you. 
Lord Archangel Michael Head of God’s Angels. Head of God’s Army. Mightiest warrior in The Great White Lodge. Supreme Angel of protection. Second to God in power and authority. The second most powerful being in the Universe! You may call upon Lord Archangel Michael for protection and He will surely do everything within His power, control, and jurisdiction to protect and defend you. Lord MelchizedekLord 
Melchizedek is the Universal Logos and third most powerful being in the Universe. He is not a man or angel, but a great god-like being made by God especially for this position. As Universal Logos, Lord Melchizedek oversees the Ascension process and development of ALL beings in the Omniverse. He is also the Head of The Order of Melchizedek, which is the priesthood and seminary college of The Great White Lodge. You may call upon Lord Melchizedek for help, guidance, protection, and training, and he will surely do everything within his power, control, and jurisdiction to help you. 

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