vrijdag 14 februari 2020

IN5D NEWS : HUGE Changes Are Upon Us With Pluto In Capricorn.

With the ushering in of Pluto in Capricorn, the breaking down of all that is corrupt has begun and these changes will allow that which is in humanity’s best interests to replace those control objects that have kept us economic slaves for hundreds of years.

(in America female Masonry is called The Order of the Eastern Star)

 Freemasonry is meant to be one of their civilizing forces here. (Of course the corrupt Masonic lodges such as P-2 would form no part of this.)

Life on Sirius is therefore the destiny of the majority of humanity who then, if they are Masons, continue as Masons... Great as Masonry has been in the past, it has before it still more glorious and useful future as it moves from Speculative to Spiritual Masonry. That inevitable change is already dimly seen. It will be more important than the change from Operative to Speculative Masonry. It is towards this end that Masonic Research should direct its efforts."

Christopher Knight and Lomas have done a good job of demonstrating that many people including myself had long assumed, that Freemasonry is directly descended from, and is a continuation of, the Knights Templar. Although the Knights Templar were suppressed in England and France, they continued in Scotland (hence "the Scottish Rite"; manuscript records of sixteenth-century Scottish lodge meetings survive) and by the seventeenth-century spread back into England again. English Freemasonry likes to pretend that the Masonic Movement was founded in 1717, but that can be proved to be complete nonsense.


Kristo(f) Gabriel

(The Unicorn is Scottish - Keep in Heart)

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