vrijdag 8 november 2019

Study & Music & Global awakening

These are chilly days. I spend my time with listening to music : mainly the Madeleine Peyroux-collection and studying the works of Dr Gabriel Cousens, David Icke and Kerth Barker on conscious eating. I still smoke cigarettes, the last addiction, but I learn a lot about changing my diet and have fun. I still pray and meditate on a daily basis. My phone and computer don't work at the moment, I'll have to buy new ones.

Thank you Kerth for your effort. The Angels are praying for it and working on the big exposure of the corruption.

They indeed want to impose the New World Order take-over of humanity in 2020 after a grand collapse. We pray to G'd that the Angels take over and not the demons in 2020 and we have faith in mass arrests worldwide.


Kristof Gabriel

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