dinsdag 27 augustus 2019

Gabriel Phelps & Quan Yin Message.

I have come today in order for you to realize the forthcoming changes.
Humanity in its majority has gone to the dead-end branch of development. The prevalence of the concentration on the external, on consumption, and on getting pleasures from life leads to the degradation of human consciousness. Therefore, in the near future we will take all the necessary steps to turn humanity back toward the evolutionary path of development, which is characterized by the predominance of inner Divine values.
There are eternal values that remain with you all along your evolutionary path. These qualities are known to everyone and do not require any justifications in their favor: kindness, Mercy, Compassion, Love, nobility, courage, devotion, aspiration, and constancy.
Many of these qualities are now pushed to the back burner and left on the sidelines of human interest. Therefore, our task and your task now is to return these Divine qualities in your lives.
All that the illusory forces do is constantly try to hold your attention on the outer manifestation. Shapes and the appearance of goods change very quickly. The same fuss is seen on television. You are constantly shown the flickering of the pictures and the effects of sound and light. These techniques suppress your inner Divine essence. The inner Divine qualities are replaced by the abundance of the outer surrogates.
You are always staying in the informational flow, and you have no time to think about eternity.
If you do not think about the eternal, you will not be able to live eternal Lives.
If you do not spare time for solitary considerations on your qualities, you will not be able to develop your Divinity.
If you do not spend time reading texts of high quality, you stop thinking.
If you stop thinking, then you lose your independence and expose yourselves to the flow of poor-quality information that pushes you to the sidelines of the evolutionary path of development.
I tirelessly repeat to you that it is time that, in the diversity of life, you find what represents eternal values and give up everything that is momentary and perishable.
Those loud voices and harshness that are characteristic of modern mass media have only one objective — to take you away from the evolutionary path of development. Our task is to save and take as many souls out of the thickness of the illusion as possible.
Kuan Yin | December 25, 2013 |
Full Message | https://bit.ly/2zjyZ2L

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