woensdag 7 augustus 2019

Esoteric Healing .... Our common heritage and the main dis-eases of humanity according to Ancient Wisdom.

Cancer, Tuberculosis and syphilitic or Venerian diseases (do they come from Venus?).

Esoteric Healing - Cancer, Tuberculosis, Syphilitic or Venerian Diseases.

Tuberculosis  & Syphilitic dis-ease :

As the life of God (expressing itself as individual divinity and universal divinity) pulsates more powerfully through the kingdoms of nature, these two penalties of evil-doing will inevitably no longer be required and will disappear for three reasons:
  1. The orientation of humanity towards the light is steadily changing and "light dispels all evil." The light of knowledge and the recognition of causes will bring about those carefully planned conditions which will make the syphilitic diseases and tuberculosis things of the past.
  2. The centers below the diaphragm will be subjected to a cleansing, lifting process; the life of the sacral center will be controlled and the energy usually focused there will be expended in creative living, through the medium of the throat center; the solar plexus center will have its energy lifted to the heart, and the trend of human selfishness will then die out.
  3. Complete cures, implemented by science, will bring about a gradual fading out of contagion.

Recommended for study.

Cancer is a disease most definitely related to the centers, and it will be found that the center in the area wherein the cancer exists is over-active, with a consequent increase of energy pouring through the related bodily substance. This energy and the over-stimulation of a center can be due not only to the activity of the center and its consequent radiation, but also the suppression imposed by the mind upon any activity of a particular center. This brings about a damming up of energy, and again we have the creation of too much concentrated energy in any particular area. One of the main sources of cancer as related to the sacral center, and therefore to the sex organs, has been the well-intentioned suppression of the sex life, and of all thought connected with the sex life, by misguided aspirants; they are those who find the teaching - monastic and celibate - of the Middle Ages the line of least resistance. In that period of time, good people taught that sex was evil and wicked, something not to be mentioned, and a potent source of trouble. Normal reactions, instead of being controlled and transmuted into creative activity, were violently suppressed and all thoughts anent the sex life were refused expression. Nevertheless, energy follows the direction of thought, with the result that that particularly magnetic type of energy attracted an increasing number of cells and atoms to itself; therein is found the source of the tumors, growths and cancers so prevalent today. The same thing can be said about the violent inhibition imposed by an aspirant upon all emotional reactions and feelings. In their effort to control the astral body, these people resort to a process of direct inhibition and suppression. That suppression makes of the solar plexus center a great reservoir of drastically retained energy. Transmutation of the emotions into aspiration and love and directed control (the goal!) is not present, and the existence of this vibrant reservoir of power brings about cancer of the stomach, of the liver, and sometimes of the entire area of the abdomen. I simply mention these causes (over-activity of a center and the retention of energy, unexpressed and inhibited) as fruitful sources of cancer.

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