zaterdag 17 augustus 2019

A study on healthy sexuality. The Gospel of Philip and Sri Aurobindo.

However, Sri Aurobindo writes in His The Mind of Light :

"All gross animal indulgence of sex desire and impulse would have to be eliminated; it could only continue amongst those who are not ready for the higher life or not yet ready for a complete spiritual living. In all who aspired to it but could not yet take it up to its fullness sex will have to be refined, submit to the spiritual or psychic impulse and a control by the higher mind and higher vital and shed all its lighter, frivolous or degraded forms and feel the touch of the purity of the ideal. Love would remain, all forms of the pure truth of love in higher and higher steps till its realised its highest nature, widened into universal love, merged into the love of the Divine. The love of man and woman would undergo the consummation; for all that can feel a touch of the ideal and the spiritual must follow the way of ascent till it reaches the Divine reality."
"Another difficulty that the transformation of the body has to face is its dependence for its very existence upon food and here too are involved the gross physical instincts impulses, desires that are associated with its difficult factor, the essential cravings of the palate the greed for food and animal gluttony of the belly, the coarsening of the mind when it grovels in the mud of sense, obeys its servitude to its mere animal part and hugs to its bondage to Matter. The higher human in us seeks refuge in a temperate moderation, in abstemiousness and abstincence of in carelessness about the body and its wants and in an absorption in higher things. The spiritual seeker often, like the Jain ascetics, seeks refuse in long and frequent fasts which lift him temporarily at least out of the clutch of the body's demands to help him to feel in himself a pure vacancy of the wide rooms of the spirit. But all this is not liberation and the question may be raised whether, not only at first but always the divine life also must submit to this necessity. But it could only deliver itself from it alltogether if it could find out the way so to draw upon the universal energy that the energy would sustain not only the vital parts of aid for substance from any outside sibstance of Matter. It is indeed possible even while fasting for very long periods to maintain the full energies and activities of the soul and mind and life even those of the body, to remain wakeful but concentrated in Yoga all the time, or to think deeply and write day and night, maintaining all these activities seperately or together and not feel any loss of strength, any fatigue any kind of failure or decadence. At the end of the fast one can even resume at once taking the normal or even greater than normal amount of nourishment without any transition or precaution such as medical science enjoins, as if both the complete fasting and the feasting were natural conditions, alternating by an immediate and easy passage from one to the other, of a body already trained by a sort of initial transformation to be an instrument of the powers and activities of Yoga."

- Sri Aurobindo, The Mind of Light.

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