dinsdag 28 juli 2015

Kurt Cobain, Murdered By The CIA

Rumours about Kurt Cobain’s death have circulated since his death in 1994, with some suggesting he was killed by former wife Courtney Love, and others saying he faked his own death in order to escape the limelight.  
One of the more believable theories around Cobain’s death suggests that he was the victim of a CIA mind control experiment (MKUltra). 
MKUltra is the code name given to mind control experiments on human subjects run by the CIA. Other famous victims of these experiments areBritney SpearsRoseanne Barr, and Michael Jackson (to name but a few).
Kurt Cobain meeting William Burroughs in 1993
Kurt Cobain meeting William Burroughs in 1993
Altx.com reports:
An individual claiming to represent ‘a private network of researchers’ contacted me about this and arranged a meeting in the Temple Church on Fleet Street. Once I’d settled in a pew, a very nervous young man seated himself beside me. According to my contact, the CIA is deeply concerned about the subversive influence of popular music on young people, that’s why ‘they murdered Brian Jones, John Lennon and Jim Morrison’.
Apparently, the CIA got hold of Cobain when he was still unknown, then using drugs, hypnosis and medical torture, they broke his will and rebuilt his personality. ‘Most of the time he’d act relatively normal,’ I was told, ‘but all it took was a few key words spoken over the phone and Cobain would carry out the deeds he’d been programmed to enact.’ My contact was convinced that the singer had been brainwashed into committing suicide at the peak of his success because the CIA figured this would reduce his potentially rebellious fans to complete despair.What’s been worrying the spooks lately is the sway black radicalism has gained over the minds of white teenagers, to counter this ‘they’ve been pushing Nation of Islam style separatism among rappers’. Likewise, the white Grunge movement spearheaded by Nirvana was backed by the CIA because ‘they wanted to divide youngsters on racial lines, if black and white kids linked up, they’d pose a serious threat to the system. The whole point of Grunge is to instil in teenagers a sense of hopelessness, to fill them with self-hate and prevent them from changing the world.’
However, the conspiracy theorist admitted several of his fellow researchers thought Cobain had taken his own life as the only means of breaking free from the influence of his controllers. If this is the case, then the rock star is a hero rather than simply a victim, and his death provides grounds for a fresh outbreak of teenager rebellion.

Source : http://yournewswire.com/kurt-cobain-murdered-by-the-cia/

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