dinsdag 23 juni 2015

Times are a-changing

Remembering past lives.

From Fixed Cross to Cardinal Cross

The personality, having fused with the Soul, kisses its monadic Source.

Now the link between him and the monad is unbroken; he gives up his Soul (to God under His guidance and Protection), functioning thereafter on the plane of intuition. He now intuits rather than feels. With its thread of consciousness his causal body is given up. Instinct replaced knowledge in the transference. He is now supernatural; his higher mind (ego) no longer controls him, nor will he be required to reincarnate into another life of suffering experiences. Only the ashes of the past remain. Detachment is the great lesson to be learned. The esoteric belief is the horoscope is especially planned, overseen by higher Souls.

The Fixed Cross of the Crucified Christ

Cardinal Cross

In order to accurately interpret the cardinal archetypes in the natal chart we must first discuss the meaning of each cardinal sign in the Zodiac (the cardinal cross consists of the signs Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn). As mentioned before, each cardinal archetype reflects the need to initiate change. Aries symbolizes that a brand new evolutionary cycle, or chapter, is just beginning. As such, the need for freedom and independence is paramount. Experience is a vehicle through which self discovery and growth can occur. Aries reflects our instinctual nature. It learns through action and reaction. Mars is the lower octave of Pluto. The need for forward direction or momentum is symbolized in this archetype. The unconscious desires contained within Pluto are transmitted to Mars to be acted out in a conscious way. As such, Aries correlates with the nature of our subjective desires.
The polarity sign of Aries is Libra. Libra correlates with the social realm, and the need to integrate into society as an equal. Libra correlates with extremities, and the need to achieve balance and equality relative to such extremities; this is true on both a personal and social level. Libra reflects the nature of our external relationships, and the nature of our expectations within relationships. This archetype reflects the need to listen objectively to others in order to correctly identify the reality and needs of those with whom they interact. In this way, Libra learns the diversity of individual needs, and how to appropriately give to meet those needs. In other words, through comparison and contrast with others Libra learns to evaluate its own identity, and also how and what to give within the context of relationships.
Cancer correlates with the self-image, and also the nature of the early family environment. This archetype reflects the specific dynamics that constitute emotional security on a conscious level. Our ability or inability to nurture ourselves and others is symbolized as well. Cancer correlates to the anima/animus (or inner male and inner female). Over a great length of time, we can integrate both the inner male and female in such a way that a state of true androgyny is reached. Cancer reflects the evolutionary intention to internalize emotional security.
The polarity sign of Cancer is Capricorn. Capricorn reflects the structure of consciousness. Every culture, society, or culture has traditions, norms, and customs. These cultural norms become the basis of conditioning patterns that shape and define the consciousness within any Soul. As such, Capricorn reflects the nature of any societies or cultures norms and traditions to which the majority in that society conform. Gender assignment is an important aspect within this correlation. For example, how are men in our society typically taught to express emotion? Is it not true that a man who openly shows and expresses vulnerability and emotion is commonly judged as weak or effeminate? What about a woman who expresses the need for independence and self-empowerment? Is she not commonly judged as trying to be a like a man or overly dominant? To further illustrate this point, let's use the example of woman with an Aries moon. It is true that she is not going to relate to herself as the traditional "Betty Crocker" figure, or stereotypical female. Similarly, a man with a Pisces moon is not going to relate to himself as the stereotypical "Marlboro Man." The point within this is that these cultural norms, or conditioning patterns, deeply impact the structure of consciousness. It is also important to note that whatever is repressed becomes distorted as this archetype correlates with conformity to the mainstream of society. Capricorn reflects the evolutionary intention to establish our own personal authority within society. It also reflects the need to emotionally mature via accepting responsibility in our own actions. In so doing, we can establish a social role, or position, in society that reflects our authentic wisdom and knowledge that is independent from cultural conditioning and customs. It is interesting to note that, collectively, we all have the South Node Pluto in Capricorn and the North Node in Cancer. This reflects that collectively there is a need to re-align and integrate the natural expression of the masculine and feminine principles.

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