Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog

Know Thyself - Welcome @ Kristo's blog
David - I adore the community of saints / Gelukpa's

donderdag 5 juni 2014


"I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is Mass Psychology... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated." --

Bertrand Russell

Probably the easiest way to understand the history and absorb the complex psychoecology of Tavistock's penetration of culture is to watch some of the classic videos listed here on the Links page. Relationships of these groups are matters of public record.

Tavistock tailors programs to specific situations for these and more as well as setting standards in psychiatry, psychology and organizational management. It declared itself the ultimate authority on mental health and human relations. Divergent thought is declared 'crazy' or 'antisocial.'

Programs with proven historical contexts originating or rooted in Tavistock "brain trust" include: "War on Terror," "Total Information Awareness," "Full Spectrum Dominance," Joint Vision 2020, "Shock & Awe," propaganda, narco-capitalism, social engineering, psystrat, "Open Government," Infowar, behavioral modification, mass brainwashing, "buzzwords," suppressed science, manufactured wars, counterculture, LSD, New Age, cults, -isms, cryptocracy, disinformation, false-flag ops, crisis creation, postmodern apocalypse theory, presence-in-absence, manufactured psychological shocks and stress, encounter groups, Aquarian Conspiracy, corporate feudalism and more. There is a psychosocial war for your mind, your body, even your soul.

"Bourne Again"

In the 2002-2007 film series, a take-off on CIA's MK Ultra program, hypno-patsy Jason Bourne learns how intelligence eats its own. As the series unfolds, we see how mind control and programmed assassins are used to steer sociopolitical "reality," while concealing and erasing memory of the mindbending puppetmasters. Only the biggest lies are 'too big to fail.'

The irony is, in this sense, "we the people" are all "Bourne Again." Not surprisingly, the fourth film of the franchise is on the way, and a first-person shooter video game is already here. The seduction/murder perps who pull the 'magic trigger' on the smoking gun have perfected the art of 'hiding in plain sight' in their Magic Kingdom. Tavistock is the rudder on the pirate ship of state.

They don't even care if we know how it works because 'plausible deniability' has become irrelevant in the Theatre of Cruelty that molds minds with metaphysics while shattering our perceptions. "The Secret" of reality creation is that it's beyond your control. The new Holy Trinity of our warring instincts is money/sex/power. The GOD we learned to worship is GoldOilDrugs.

Tavistock's "Time Machine"

Just outside London, Tavistock Institute is the sloganeering nerve center of a global psywar apparatus that attacks our collective conscious and unconscious relentlessly. Established after World War I by the Duke George of Kent to study shellshock, the original Tavistock Clinic developed psychological warfare for British intelligence.

More than an international institution, Tavistock became a nonlocal community of practice -- a dark "invisible college," the Castaglia of the cryptocracy. Tavistock's grandmother is the drug empire of the British East India Company and Theosophical esoterics. Its grandfather is "The Open Conspiracy" of Utopian H.G. Wells, Bertrand Russell, Cecil Rhodes and Fabian socialists. The Society for Psychical Research (SPR) helped create the Fabian Society.
Tavistock is the paranoid child of the Liepzig and Frankfurt Schools of critical thinking and behaviorism. The psychodynamics of Freud and Jung are its godparents. But Tavistock's birth mother was a whore -- a propaganda front called Wellingon House, known as "The Lie Factory."
We live in duality. Using 'time' as their fulcrum, Tavistock explorations in crafting reality became exploitations, selling Utopian idealism to the New Left and patriotic Homeland Security to the born-again Right. Pitting them eternally against one another is a neo-con racket that molds all party themes. The game is collapsing the traditional world. They employ both religious and secular currents in the same way, playing both sides against the middle.

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