maandag 7 april 2014

Towards wholeness, well-being, self-actualisation, self-transcendence, more freedom and enlightenment. Step by step, for ourselves and our fellow human beings...

Everybody deserves a life full of self-actualisation and self-transcendence. Most of us only struggle from pay-check to pay-check. Basic income for all would be a huge step forward, and it is a human right according to article 25 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights :

Article 25.

  • (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
  • (2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

    Mister Krishnamurti once more made me think on the subject of forced labor for survival, it should be replaced by the opportunity to work in good jobs with good pay and the freedom to refuse work of bad quality in bad circumstances with a bad salary. Basic income would erase poverty and take the pressure away we see today by workers and the unemployed who can't find a job and are hounted by the governments' institutions for their basic money. We can't provide basic needs for everyone yet that reach the poverty limit, so how can we dare to be so visionary to struggle for self-actualisation and self-transcendence, you might think? Well, dream big. The more we can go through the proces of individuation, the better we feel as consciouss and unique human beings, able to start to work for a greater purpose in our lives, in order to help others in society to become happier citizens on the long term, more free and released from the tyrannical pressure that young people and the unemployed face today in their struggle for survival and basic income. Education is still important, but those who just aren't able to get a bachelor or master's degree because of the lack of skills or even the lack of money, should not be the victims of our current systems that stigmatises the uneducated and the unemployed and neglect their humanity as being fully human beings. Everyone should be guided to good works, to quality jobs that make us more than just robots and machines, but rather jobs that provide more Goodness, Truth and Beauty to our personal development as well. Only a very few are so lucky to be able to take the time for some self-actualisation and self-transcendence and those who do, are often more concerned about the well-being of others as well. I hope that we can all work and struggle collectively in order to build a more free world, free of the modern slavery we still see in our contemporary societies as we all are pawns in the rath race in one way or another. Let's slow down, meditate, refuse to obey to stupid rules, find some solutions for our own and for our fellow human beings and keep our minds awake and fresh with the teachings of the wisest among us, like the disciples and the initiates of the ancient wisdom traditions who transcended materialism for ages, living towards higher standards and morals. I wouldn't mind to work until a very old age, if my health would allow me to do so, because we all live longer and we have responsability for the ones who can't work for themselves because of young age, unemployment, sickness, and other circumcances in life where one is totally dependant on the goodwill of others and governments for survival. It's for those people who aren't able to work and who need our social security system so hard as a matter of life and death, that we need to fight for this system to survive and we all shall work longer than former generations had to. Those who are able to do this from their hearts with joy and pleasure and a little joie-the-vivre must be rewarded by this with a good salary, good working conditions and from time to time an extra amount of spare time to recover from the hard work, to contemplate, to do funny things beyond the prison of a nine-to-five joblife because it has to, for survival. This is something that at the same that we all need to work until an older age, something to contemplate on. Our economical active citizens deserve a certainty that whatever happens, poverty shall never be a part of their lives, with or without a job, with or without a college degree or a bachelor or master of arts. With or without the blessing of good health. With or without the bad-luck of losing your job in the financial crisis, instead of becoming a possible member of the homeless population, people must be ensured that they are taken care of, this is a great task for Europe and their legislation, as Europe becomes more important and a social Europe is a Europe where I can believe in. Politicians nowadays should integrate both the fight for respect for personal freedom and integrity, for human rights and at the same time realise that we can only survive if we take care of our fellow brothers and sisters by wanting to work for those who are less smart, less rich, less educated, less fortuned than those who already had a good education and the freedom of a healthy active life with good salary and a challenging profession that makes one happy, instead of the silly jobs that reduce workers to nothing more than machines and routine robots. The global inequality between the top 1% and the other 99% is immense. There is the middle class that pays all our debts, even the debts our governments make, then there is a group of ultrarich elite who can live from the intrest of their capital, often earned through a bloodrelationship with a rich ancestor, so that group of the ultrarich will never have to work on day, they can buy whatever they want pure by income on capital, not labor. The middle class gives all they can, people who start small companies pay lots of taxes to our governments, very much, and will not be able to care more about the have-nots and the less fortunated, because the hardworking middle class people already fultil their duties more than once. Those who remain a part of underclass, as a result of bad luck (bad health, unemployment, no education, ...) have a hard time only to survive without the money they need for a good living. Some of them can reach a better situation of living by more education, by good luck with life circumstances like help from their families or the government, both those whose chances are very low ever to become a part of the middle class, will always be forced to do the most stupid works for the most silly pays. The united nations already are working on the fact of making world citizens aware of the fact that a  good education and a good job with a good salary is everyone's right. Everyone should be able to live in circumstances beyond struggle for survival, beyond poverty, beyond illness. Unfortunately 1 out of every 4 people will one time in his/her life suffer from mental instability, about 15% of the Belgium population is poor, and one million of our fellow citizens use antidepressant drugs in order to be able to function in our rate race society. People who operate from a stage of mind that includes self-actualisation and self-transcendence on the other hand often are more happy, stronger weaponed against the bad lucks in life, have a better self-esteem and are more than ever concerned with planetary issues and the rights and wellbeing of others. It's difficult to reach Maslow toplevel being movitations in life, because our societies often keep us in a struggle for money in order to survive through labor, and in order to become accepted citizens as well. Everyone can benefit from the benefits that meditiation bring. I don't meditate daily anymore, but more than 10 years I did it almost every day. It brought me several periods of flow and even peak-experiences and later on the struggle AND the joy of kundalini.  Those who don't fit in that picture of the hard working, good educated part of the population often are stigmatised, neglected, seen as people without work-ethic, as dumb, as less worth than the successful hardworking owner of a small company for instance, who might still be on the same antidepressants as others, in order to be able to keep on functioning. People need to be stimulated to see education as a huge opportunity for a better life, better life conditions, better work conditions, a better income, more healthy years, because a good start in life is still important. But nowadays whilst our middle class is shrinking and more and more people become frustrated in the middle class on the high government taxes that need to be payed, they blame it on the poor who are the lazy reason behind their extra work and frustration as the poor become the middle class scapegoat, and the ultrarich, they do whatever they want, have no financial doubts at all and leave the work for .... the middle class. This system of unnatural slavery for the less wealthy in order to work to pay the debts back to the higher classes is actually a disaster. A basic income for all would be the first logical step of providing everything but poverty for every citizen on earth. Working should be more and more an activity that provides more happiness, joy, fullfillment, adventure, abundance and growth, than just doing nothing. More income gives us more freedom to travel, to buy better products and live a more comfortable life compared to the unlucky underclass people who never might be able to live without the struggle for mind-dumb jobs for less money. A basic income for all could be the first step forwards, and the money of course, should come from those who would not have any problem at all with paying that money, so ... the ultrarich of course, are not bad per se, but need to realise their responsability of being able the reduce much of the suffering and the modern slavery in modern day societies. The poor should become richer, and the richer should become a little bit poorer. The middle class works and buys and consumes quite a lot, but the taxes they pay on labor should be eliminated. An income tax for the riches among us, and a higher income soon for everyone below the poverty limit in income, should be given extra money. The middle class is the most important class according to Karl Marx for the survival of Capitalism, and they start shrinking, so become poorer as well, again, a basic income prevents the disaster of a possible life in poverty with some bad luck. The rich get richer, so it is pure logic to make them pay more because they have more to spend. We don't need a communist solution to the problem, I'm too liberal for that, we even might not need a socialistic solution per se for this problem of inequality in the first place What we need is a natural solidarity to help those who are less happy and fortunate than we are, not because we are forced to do so, but because we take our responsability. A basic income provides for everybody, is not a left or right wing thing, it's the realisation of a human right for all of us. It takes away the pressure of those who can't find a job and are tyranically forced to go and find one in order to receive government aid and those in the underclass will benefit the most of it, because their struggle for basic needs and their fulfilment (Maslow's lowest needs in the pyramid) finally are fulfilled. The middle class would become stronger and the traith of their slow disappearance would be elimited, because more and more people would find themselves in a possibility to leave the underclass and join a higher income class, the rich will still be rich, but pay their part of the game, and everyone benefits from it. I can't understand why governments and societies just can't fix this overnight. People nowadays are forced to go to school, forced to find a good job, OR to have no right on money and no help from the government when in need. While there are quite many who work hard to find a way out of unemployment, but can't find a job in these times of crisis. It's not that the poor and unemployed all are lazy people, the perception in our society that people who are less educated and less wealthy to be enslaved by the more powerfull, the more schooled and the more rich is a normal thing is insanity. It creates so much unnecessary suffering for human beings that could ne replaced by joy, freedom and abundance. I work hard, for my education, to help others, and besides that I practice as much as possible writing programs and trying to build more sophisticated websites. But refuse to live in a dreamstate and accept things in our world that are not fair, not according to international human rights rules, and are enslaving people instead of liberating them. I would advice everyone to at least think about this for one minute, and work for a better tomorrow for all of us, but the most in need first! Hopefully in one of my future jobs I can be able to raise awareness on human rights, the insanity of modern slavery in one of the richests parts of the world and the problem of inequality in the world today. Again, basic income for all could be the first step aheah. More freedom for the education and the job we really want, not because we are forced to do so, and freed from the burden of living a life in poverty.

An interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, represented as a pyramid with the more basic needs at the bottom; from Wikipedia. Let's give everyone at least the basic needs, everyone!

The following speaker is Jiddu Krishnamurti :

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