zaterdag 1 maart 2014

The Secret

This is called, in esotericism, "the secret of translation." I might bring the general concept underlying those words down to the intelligence of the average student by telling him that when a man really understands the elevating power of the aspiration, he can begin to work with the secret of translation. Students must lose sight of the foolish and erroneous idea that aspiration is really an emotional attitude. It is not. It is a scientific process, governing evolution itself. When given free scope and duly followed, it is the mode par excellence whereby the matter aspect, or the whole personality, is "raised up into heaven." The effect of continued aspiration, when followed by right action, is to bring about three things:

1. A stimulation of the higher atoms of the three bodies.
2. The discarding, as a result of this stimulation, of those atomic substances which (when present) occultly hold the aspirant down to earth.
3. The increasing of the magnetic attractive power of the higher atoms, which draw to themselves atoms of high vibration to take the place of those of low vibration. One point I should like to make here, in order to correct an almost universal wrong mental attitude. Right atoms of high vibration are attracted into a man's body or bodies by the power of the united attraction of the atoms already present, and not primarily by the will of the soul, except in so far as that will acts upon the high grade atoms already present and responsive.

Aspiration is an activity of an occult and scientific nature, and is instinctual in substance itself. This point needs emphasis when instructing groups.

~ Esoteric Psychology I

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