woensdag 17 juli 2013

Second message from Swami Nardanand

Swami Nardanand : ...Here, there are no 'senior' and 'junior' initiates, dependent on the date one is initiated. Look at a mother: are there any differences in love and treatment based on the fact when her child was born? No, a mother loves all children equally. We should always try to be free from these differences. The more we are free of them, the faster we will progress. Organisers of a programme should also not think: 'We are the boss, the others should work for me. But people attending a programme should not think that the organisers have to do everything. They should also help. Here, there are no politics. We are NOT a business company, there is no competition. This is actual spirituality. Spirituality should make a person free and give him or her enlightenment. A religion that wants you to bind cannot be a true religion. Religion should take you to ultimate freedom , to enlightenment. We should do our sadhana with lots of compassion and generosity, we should help each other. If this attitude develops among us, there is no obstacle to the progress in our sadhana.'

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